The label BIOMAUFEL by the Interessegemeinschaft Vermarktung Lëtzebuerger Biofleesch asbl. (Community of interest for the marketing of Luxembourgish organic meat), in short IVLB, strengthens the organic agriculture in Luxembourg and stands for a qualitative and sustainable production.

Species-appropriate animal husbandry
The rearing and feeding of all our animals is regulated by the EU regulations for organic farming. In our specification sheet, we have defined additional criteria.
Quality meat
Our partners exclusively use organic meat from our farms in their production.
Interessegemeinschaft Vermarktung
Lëtzeburger Biofleesch a.s.b.l (IVL B)
4, Rue d’Ansembourg | 7423 Dondelange
Your contact person
Philippe Matgé
621 742 250